Thursday 6 October 2016


          The Ewes of the Volta Region migrated from Notsie in Togo into Ghana in the fifteenth century. In both Ghana and Togo, the Ewes speak the following dialects; Anlo, Awuma, Hudu and Kotafoa which belong to the Kwa Group of Sudanic languages. The Ewes have two main occupations that are farming and fishing but they also engage in pottery making, black-smiting as well as trading.

             Puberty is defined as the age or period at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction. Entering puberty is a critical period of the ongoing communal assimilation into the cultural tradition of society. The young child develops the capability of reproducing sexually and must know the social responsibility of that biological maturity.

               This puberty rite in Ewe is known as NUGBETO. During this period, much respected female elders of the society officiates the rite. Their wisdom, life experiences, self-esteem and self-confidence provides good models for the young girls. They are also given lessons in sex education, birth control and acquire the needed skills for motherhood. They are also taught how to relate to men properly so they can maintain a good marriage and their dignity in society.

                     This act is an honour to the girl to have stayed chaste and avoided pregnancy before the initiation ceremony. Pregnancy before this ceremony is an abomination and the girl is considered a disgrace to her family and the whole society.

                    After the lessons, a durbar is held which is attended by all the people of the community to welcome the newly initiated women into the society. They are adorned with very beautiful beads showing off their vital places to young men of marriageable age troupe. These young men feast their eyes of the beautiful new women and select their prospective wives.


 After the ceremony, gifts are presented to the girls as a way of congratulating them. The gifts may come in a form of cash, jewelries, cooking utensils and cloths. The female elders declare the girls ripe for marriage and gives the men the opportunity to ask for their hands in marriage.

                  This rite serves as a way on encouraging young girls to stay chaste and abstain from sex until they have gone through the puberty rites.
                                                                                                                   Amese Freda Xoese


  1. are these rites still going on. why are the girls supposed show off their vital places their privacy must be respected
